Congrats Graduates of 2013!… I hope your ready.
First off, I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS on graduating school, whether it be high school or college, no matter what anyone says, it is still an accomplishment if done the right way. But now that school is over, what do you do now? Without being obligated to school, how do you spend your time? And to be honest, those are some of the toughest questions you will have to face.
I would know because, this time last year I was in the same situation. Graduating, eager to be done with classes, textbooks, and final tests. I was in the same boat. It might be intimidating to most at first, but it’ll pass. Even I was a little shocked about reality at the time. But through all the wondering, thinking, and even sly bit of doubt, there is a gold-lining among it all… YOU HAVE TIME.
You now have all the time in the world to do what you want, search for what you want, or pursue any endeavor. Anything that was limited (even by your own mind) that was physically and mentally obligated to traditional school is now out of the way.
So, basically… Now is your chance!
Now is your chance to do something you really want to do, instead of defaulting to what you’re supposed to do. GROW. Take control of your life now. I’ve been in more control of my life since I graduated then ever before. Not just because I have the time to do what I want now, but instead I choose to use my time and experience things that will grow me past what I’ve learned in school. Use life to your advantage. Every single day, wake up with a purpose to excel. Not the type of excel that credits you only on paper, but to excel and grow through experience. And through that experience, you can decide what career or lifestyle you want for yourself. You’ve obtained the knowledge (hopefully) through school and now is the time to put it to work and actually DO IT. Even as you look for jobs or try to show any type of credibility, experience will always be a factor. So why not choose what you want to experience and make it something that you truly love doing? Like the great Steve Jobs once said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Work hard and focus on whatever you choose and drive towards that with everything inside of you and watch how will accomplish it.
I hope you understand the hard work it takes to obtain your dreams. And I hope everything you want to happen in your life, does.
- Start where you are.
- Use what you have.
- Do what you can.