Just when you needed a visual to describe that animal you have roaming around hiding inside of you, Devin Mitchell gets you as close as he can with his new Faces of the Wild portrait series.
Inspired by the inhumane captivity of multiple species of animals and the extinction of their land, Faces of the Wild is a dope collection of detailed, physical, animalistic emotion. Captured through photography at a nearby zoo, a place where Mitchell could truly experience the anguish and the genuine being of the animals, that natural feeling apparently couldn’t help but seep into the human side of things. Magically blended together to create some amazing pieces, I would love to see these enlarged and hanging up gallery style. I can only imagine…
A photographer out of Southern California, Mitchell is also in the works with Kickstarter in producing a 100-page edition for world to catch on to. (And I just might look into scooping one up myself.) Check out more of his stuff here: Kickstarter | Instagram
Photos courtesy of Bored Panda