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Featured Artist Friday: Surreal Spray-painted Birds by ‘L7m’

Street Artist L7m is an animal himself when it comes to creating the abstract with his colorful and surrealistic spray-painted birds.

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Featured Artist Friday: Graffiti Artist Odeith

An artist with special interests in perspective, shading, and obscure style, Odeith has a mastering technique that makes his murals not only cool to look at, but they’re also in 3-D.

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Featured Artist Friday: The Art Of BK The Artist

Using art as a tool to shed light where there’s darkness, BK The Artist is a growing master with his complex and creative compositions mixing together space, form and multiple interwoven outlines, delivering images that are not only left to be deciphered by the viewer, but unveil a broader story within the same piece.

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Star Wars Comes To Earth: Thomas Dagg

Imagine this. You’re driving in the car, cruising the open freeway, listening to a newfound jam, and then you see the Millennium Falcon execute a full aerial barrel roll right outside the window. How crazy would that be? Well it seems Canadian photographer Thomas Dagg has wanted this to happen since he was a kid. And eventually just took thing into his own hands by making it real. 

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